Information Governance issues: barriers & pitfalls
During November / December 2014 I gave two presentations (german & english) why Information governance is so hard to implement, why it does hardly work and why the top down only approach is no solution.
german: Records Mgmt Fachtag Frankfurt M. : 25. Nov. 2014
RMFT-20141125-ge (pdf, 2,053 KB)
english: ARMA annual conference of the Swiss Chapter 5. Dec. 2014
Preso-ARMA-CH-Dez-15 (pdf, 2,748 KB)
In the meantime AIIM has published its paper:
It's not information governance, it's information opportunity (...)
There you may find numerous arguments why IG is lurching from crisis to crisis in terms of implementation .
However the reproach that the records mgmt community has hijacked IG is purely semantics. ... part of the hidden struggle btw AIIM and ARMA. (?)
In theory Paul Strassmann has set the standards more than 10 years ago by the masterwork "Governance of information management. The concept of an information constitution" (out of print) (Wayback machine)
(why is he not cited anymore?)
... this perception is almost ignored in the actual debates.
It's all about politics ...(and corp. culture)
Therefore the KRM is coming up with a new IG methodology (MATRIO ®) derived from the Matrioschka model where given structures may be built up from the bottom combined with a top down policy making step by step (shell by shell).
see: orders & Basisinfos: german only (for the time being)

check also CGOC major IG Reference guides:
Infonomics-CGOC (pdf, 3,190 KB)
IG-Leaders-Guide (pdf, 3,257 KB)
german: Records Mgmt Fachtag Frankfurt M. : 25. Nov. 2014
RMFT-20141125-ge (pdf, 2,053 KB)
english: ARMA annual conference of the Swiss Chapter 5. Dec. 2014
Preso-ARMA-CH-Dez-15 (pdf, 2,748 KB)
In the meantime AIIM has published its paper:
It's not information governance, it's information opportunity (...)
There you may find numerous arguments why IG is lurching from crisis to crisis in terms of implementation .
However the reproach that the records mgmt community has hijacked IG is purely semantics. ... part of the hidden struggle btw AIIM and ARMA. (?)
In theory Paul Strassmann has set the standards more than 10 years ago by the masterwork "Governance of information management. The concept of an information constitution" (out of print) (Wayback machine)
(why is he not cited anymore?)
... this perception is almost ignored in the actual debates.
It's all about politics ...(and corp. culture)
Therefore the KRM is coming up with a new IG methodology (MATRIO ®) derived from the Matrioschka model where given structures may be built up from the bottom combined with a top down policy making step by step (shell by shell).
see: orders & Basisinfos: german only (for the time being)

check also CGOC major IG Reference guides:
Infonomics-CGOC (pdf, 3,190 KB)
IG-Leaders-Guide (pdf, 3,257 KB)
jhagmann - 5. Jan, 12:12