
Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

KOST publiziert Ergebnisse zu Projekten der Langzeitarchivierung in der Schweiz

Zur Förderung des Austauschs und der Kommunikation, aber auch zur Dokumentation ihrer Arbeit hat die Koordinationsstelle für die dauerhafte Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen (KOST) einen grossen Teil ihrer bisherigen Ergebnisse öffentlich gemacht. Sie haben auf der Website der KOST ab sofort Zugang zu Resultaten abgeschlossener Projekte, zu Informationsressourcen aus Studien und Kolloquien sowie zu kurzen Handreichungen für konkrete Aufgaben in der digitalen Archivierung (KOST.Services).


Montag, 5. Oktober 2009

NARA: ERA in progress - some doubts

The National Archives is under mounting pressure to help the federal government manage its rapidly growing store of electronic records

read article

see also blog post

Sonntag, 27. September 2009

e-Helvetica: Ueberlieferung des digitalen Kulturguts der Schweiz

Sammlung und Archivierung von elektronischen Publikationen inkl. Archivierung von Websites.

SNB site

Archivierung Websites
Die Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek (NB) setzt sich zum Ziel, eine Sammlung von landeskundlich relevanten Websites der Schweiz aufzubauen, und somit das geistige Kulturgut der Schweiz langfristig zu erhalten und zur Verfügung zu stellen.

voir aussi Blog A.Garcia

Montag, 31. August 2009

JISC project makes progress - Measuring the impact of records mgmt

JISC infoNet has undertaken to create a common framework for measuring the impact of records management. The framework comprises of two main tools to assist organisations with assessing the impact and current status of their records management initiatives within their institutions. These are:
- Tool 1: Records & Information Management Impact Calculator
- Tool 2: Records Management Maturity Model

The first deliverable of the project is a literature review.

See also Steve Bailey's blog:
Should we be measuring the impact of records management?

Montag, 20. Juli 2009

Collaborative Electronic Records Project (CERP) finalized - Email Parser

The three-year Collaborative Electronic Records Project (CERP) of the Smithsonian Institution Archives and the Rockefeller Archive Center concluded in December 2008. Among the project outcomes, the CERP Email Parser was produced and we are pleased to offer it to the archival and related communities as an open source software tool for the preservation of email accounts. The Email Parser ( ) migrates an email account and its messages into a single XML file using the Email Account XML Schema developed in collaboration with the North Carolina State Archives and the EMCAP project.

The CERP Email Parser migrates an email account in MBOX format into XML, using the schema to preserve the full body of messages, together with their attachments, and keeps intact the account’s internal organization (e.g., an Inbox containing subfolders labeled Policies, Special Events, and Projects). The CERP team successfully preserved email accounts from a variety of applications including Microsoft Outlook, AppleMail, LotusNotes, and Netscape. All email messages retain their full header content, in contrast to some tools produced in earlier research efforts.

The parser runs on a workstation in a virtual machine environment compatible with Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and some Unix platforms. CERP testing was limited to the Windows XP environment. The CERP Email Parser is licensed as open source software so that it may be used, supported, and enhanced by all organizations that adopt it.

The Email Parser is designed to address the task of preserving bodies of email, such as an account, without requiring access to the original email systems. Still, email accounts from active email systems may also be preserved using this tool. The CERP Email Parser will be featured in the pre-conference workshop “Achieving Email Account Preservation With XML” at the Society of American Archivists 2009 Annual Meeting this August.

For more information and to download the parser, visit For more on the Collaborative Electronic Records Project, visit Please direct email inquiries to

Riccardo Ferrante
IT Archivist and Electronic Records Program Director
Smithsonian Institution Archives
600 Maryland Ave SW MRC 507
Washington, DC 20013-7012

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009

The Collaborative Electronic Records Project (CERP)

The Smithsonian Institution Archives (SIA) and the Rockefeller Archive Center (RAC) are engaged in a collaborative three-year project to develop, test, and share the technology to preserve digital documents with other non-profit organizations. SIA and RAC will develop and test electronic records preservation, focusing on email, that will draw on the SIA’s more established framework for developing methodologies, and that will draw on the RAC’s network of donor institutions for testing the preservation system and strategies.

Making a Way Out of No Way: The Collaborative Electronic Records Project (CERP) of the Rockefeller Archive Center and the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2008

Why is ERM for unstructured records not performing better as 10 years ago?

Tensions and contradictions of records management inside the organisation

Northumbria University has started a records management research project.
see: Project summary

The project is trying to find out why organisations are no better at managing their electronic records in 2008 than they were when office networks, the internet and e-mail were first introduced in the 90ies.

The research draws inspiration from John McDonald, who in a 1995 article described the unstructured electronic office environment as 'the Wild Frontier'. Ten years later in 2005 he wrote that the electronic office environment was still 'wild' and that organisations were no nearer finding a solution, despite considerable efforts from governments, national archives, professional bodies and vendors.

one of the comments:

I agree with John's assertion that we don't know "how the office functions". I see this time and again in my consulting practice. One reason for this I believe is that people's "expectations" are not being managed effectively.

Many managers do not fully understand what ERM really is and how it can benefit their organization and this is because these managers have expectations that are out of line with what ERM can and perhaps should deliver. Some expect ERM to quietly and quickly solve all of their organizational problems, while others have little or no faith in ERM at all, yet admit that they have a problem that needs to be solved!

There are lots of technical reasons why so many attempts to implement proper ERM strategies and policies go wrong, but if the expectations of those who would ultimately benefit from ERM are not managed appropriately, then all the technology and policies in the world will be for naught. On the other hand, when managers and ERM experts see the same vision, and have basically the same kind of understanding, then the chance of such projects succeeding rises dramatically.

One of the critical tasks of any ERM implementation it to ensure that organizations know what they are getting and how much effort is really needed. ERM cannot be seen as a rapid solution to problems, and in fact, organizations might sometimes find themselves moving a little backwards as they try to adjust to new ways of doing things. However, if management is properly prepared for this, the acceptance of ERM will be better assured.

Warum funktioniert es denn im strukturierten Bereich, dieser war ja früher auch nicht strukturiert? Dann hat man die analoge Welt in ERP workflows gegossen und überführt und es funktionierte ...
Offenbar sollte man auch im unstrukturierten Bereich Zwangsmechanismen einführen mit Incentives, sodass das Unstrukturierte unmerklich strukturiert wird (geht offenbar nur so!).

Die grossen Vendors (EMC, Opentext, Oracle, IBM (FileNet), Autonomy-Meridio) propagieren nun eine automatische Klassifizierung (basierend auf pre-defined policies) ohne User interaction für deklarierte Records (formell oder informell).
Dies setzt voraus, dass alle Teilnehmer kongruente Verständnisse der Prozesse und Benennungen der Record Typen entwickeln ... (kontrollierte Vokabulare, nicht nur natürliche Sprache) in grossen Organisationen eine nightmare ... ggf. mag es für einzelne Prozesse hinhauen aber unternehmensweit?
A long way to go.


Freitag, 21. November 2008

Archivierung von Unterlagen aus Geschäftsverwaltungssystemen (Projekt der KOST)

Die Koordinationsstelle für die dauerhafte Archivierung elektronischer Unterlagen (KOST) hat 2007-2008 unter dem Namen AUGev ein Projekt zur Archivierung von Unterlagen aus Geschäftsverwaltungssystemen durchgeführt. Der KOST-Newsletter-Nov-2008 (pdf, 164 KB)fasst das Projekt kurz zusammen.

Auf der KOST-Website (D) sind dazu die wichtigsten Dokumente aus diesem Projekt öffentlich publiziert.

Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008

Lockheed Martin and National Archives Take Major Leap Toward Electronic Archives of the Future

ERA has stepped into an operational phase.
As the prime contractor for the ERA project, Lockheed Martin is leading a team of companies with archiving and data management expertise. The team includes BearingPoint Inc., McLean VA; Fenestra Technologies Corp., Germantown, MD; History Associates Inc., Rockville, MD; EDS Corp., Plano, TX; Metier Ltd., Washington, DC; and Tessella Inc., Newton, MA.

go to article

The future of records mgmt is now

Freitag, 18. April 2008

Webarchiv Schweiz lanciert (e-Helvetica)

Die Schweiz. Nationalbibliothek wird aktiv.

s. Blog von Peter Haber

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