Results of AIIM international survey: ECM / Resultate der AIIM Umfrage
Laut der aktuellen Untersuchung “State of the ECM industry”, für die der Verband 536 Unternehmen verschiedener Größe und Branchen befragte, scheint sich der Trend zu verstärken, dass nicht mehr nur "Compliance" als der Haupt-Driver für ECM Implementierung figuriert, sondern auch Kosteneinsparungen durch verbesserte Integration von DM und RM ins Feld geführt werden.
Link german
AIIM's annual State of the ECM Industry research found that compared to recent years, cost saving has taken a clear lead over compliance as the main business driver for investments in document and records management. Email is still out of control, with 55% of organizations having little or no confidence that important emails are recorded, complete and retrievable. Management of content types like SMS/text messages, blogs and wikis are largely off the corporate radar in 75% of organizations and their lack of inclusion in the corporate archive is a major risk.
Link english
Link german
AIIM's annual State of the ECM Industry research found that compared to recent years, cost saving has taken a clear lead over compliance as the main business driver for investments in document and records management. Email is still out of control, with 55% of organizations having little or no confidence that important emails are recorded, complete and retrievable. Management of content types like SMS/text messages, blogs and wikis are largely off the corporate radar in 75% of organizations and their lack of inclusion in the corporate archive is a major risk.
Link english
jhagmann - 10. Apr, 17:52